Step 1- Your Relationship to Yourself

You belong here just as much as anyone else.

Focusing on You

01 — Your healing journey is about you.

As a counselor I focus on helping you tailor your desire for health and well-being into something that fits your life. Everyone’s version of health is different and I believe each of us knows how to find our own equilibrium. This shouldn’t be based on popular culture, or our family of origin’s version of what is healthy for you. I can help you access your own internal compass that will help you find balance and wellness in your own life.

02 — Transformation and change

Human beings are incredibly resilient and have learned to cope and adjust to many challenging circumstances. Sometimes these coping skills are what we need to help us get through a challenging or traumatic time in our lives. However holding onto the coping strategies that no longer work can be harmful to self and others. Looking for patterns of dysfunction and approaching them with compassion and a curiosity can help us change them, and transform our lives into something we are excited about and invested in.

03 — Finding your place and direction

We all have a place in a complicated social and environmental network. I approach this with each client to help them understand and discover the place they hold, as well as challenge the social norm; to try and carve out a place for themselves through boundaries and self-examination. I work from a social justice lens to try and help clients consider both their role and other’s roles in their lives and in the world at large.

04 — Becoming your best self

Through goal setting, targeted healing of trauma, examining patterns and bringing consciousness and awareness to our thoughts and actions, we all have the chance to become a better version of ourselves. I use a lot of mind-body connection and embodiment techniques to help clients access their whole selves. We have a lot of information and keys to our healing stored in our bodies, and being able to connect both the mind and the body, and get them to talk to each other can lead to more fulfilling relationships and life experiences.

If you become willing to meet all parts of yourself, you’ll notice the change.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.