To see what lies beneath the surface takes courage. The unconcious keeps you where you are; to change that means you must be willing to look a little deeper.

These mini-workshops are meant to target specific behaviors and get you to look a little bit deeper. They are very short, and not meant to be an all inclusive exercise in the subject matter. They are only meant to bring some things to the light and get you to look at your patterns to see if they serve you. Likely you are reaching for these because you feel on some level that your old patterns have not served you, and you want something to change. This is your opportunity to self-reflect, do a little writing and perhaps cognitively shift something that has felt stuck. For best results, download both the audio and the PDF, use them together to do some reflective writing for yourself. The goal is to get some clarity, learn something new, and help yourself along the path to changing behaviors and thoughts that are no longer serving you.
